Test Equipment Wanted

Equipment sold in the past - list not limited to. Send us your inventory list for bid. Whether you have a handful of items to sell or multiple pallets. The program provides competitive bids to purchase all quantities and conditions of used, surplus and end of life equipment. Non functional parts units wanted for university and college teaching uses.
Agilent Hewlett Packard ~ Tektronix ~ Yokagawa ~ Stanford Research Systems ~ Keithley ~ Fluke ~ Voltech ~ Anritsu ~ Exfp ~ National Instruments ~ Lecroy ~ Rodhe and Schwarz
- Communication Analyzers
- Optical Analyzers
- Power Analyzers
- Spectrum Analyzers
- RF Analyzers
- Transmission Analyzers
- Network Analyzers
- Microwave Analyzers
Power Supply Units
- AC DC Power Supplies - HP Agilent, Xantrex , Sorensen
- Analog Power Suplies - HP Agilent
- Digital Power Supplies - Hp Agilent
- RF Power Supplies - ENI, Hitachi , Phillips ~ Advanced Energy, RFPP
- Power Generators
- Pulse Generators
- Signal Generators
- RF Meters
- Power Meters
- Voltage Meters
- Amp Meters
- Sound Meters